Search instructions
Collecting images to basket and saving the baskets
Image information and comp images
Image usage history
Downloading images
Frozen images
Image formats and sizes
Using images for offset and press printing
Clipped images - using clipping paths
Masked images and JPEG2000
License agreement
Search content by browsing through existing categories or by executing specific searches in the search box located on the page header. After the images display, you can refine the search using AND, OR, NOT variables under the Categories menu.
The search results will show a maximum of 2,000 images, and you can choose to display from 10 to 120 images per page.
Search instructions
*spee* = all images that contain "spee" attached
*boat = all words ending in "boat"
boat* = all words starting with "boat"
speedboat = all images that contain the word "speedboat" attached
new york = all images that contain the words "new" OR "york" attached
"new york" = all images that contain exact phrase "new york"
girl +hat = all images that contain the words "girl" and "hat" attached (note the space before the "+" sign)
girl -hat = all images that contain the word "girl" attached
but do not contain the word "hat" attached (again, note the space)
0007 = all images that contain the numbers "0007" either in keywords or in filename
0007235 = all images that have the numbers "0007235" either in keywords or in the filename
Collecting images to basket and saving the baskets
Add images to your basket by clicking the basket icon below each thumbnail.
To save the contents for later use, open your basket and select "Save current basket". You can save a maximum of 30 images in one basket, and you can save as many baskets as you like.
Image information and comp images
Clicking on the information link or the image thumbnail opens a window with a larger, draft version in RGB format and shows image details, such as the photographer, copyright, and usage history. The draft version is available free of charge for layout use. To copy, drag and drop the image into an open document or save it to your hard disk (right-click your mouse on the image and select "Save Image As" from the pop-up menu).
Note: Images with a clipping path must be saved on your hard disk and imposed on a document to display properly.
Image usage history
The usage history of an image lists previous download dates, the business field, purpose (marketing or editorial), media type (print, online or broadcast) and the size of the target group.
Downloading images
Select the file size you prefer and check image freezing if you want to have exclusive rights to use the image. A frozen image is removed in real-time from the sight of other image bank users; however, the image remains viewable to the member who froze the image, and it can be downloaded in the same or other sizes. Members may freeze an image in one country at a time.
Complete the image usage report.
Selecting "Save images" moves you to the download page where you can either download one image at a time or several images conveniently in one ZIP file.
Step-by-step instructions are available on the download page.
Frozen images
Members are able to freeze images for exclusive use by selecting the desired exclusivity time by months in Step 1 of the download process. Once frozen, the image is hidden and does not show in online displays or searches; however, the member who froze the image has exclusive access to view and download the image in all file size versions.
Image formats and sizes
All images have been saved in JPG format. Four sizes of CMYK versions are available for each image:
XS = 1 MB
S = 4 MB
M = 15 MB
L = 32 - 80 MB
Additionally, a large RGB version is available for each image: LR = 24 - 60 MB
Images with clipping paths are also available as PNG and JPEG2000. The corresponding icons are shown in the basket, and the versions can be saved on the download page.
Image sharpening has been optimized for each image size separately. The RGB image has not been sharpened at all.
Using images for offset and press printing
To minimize file sizes, the images have been saved in JPG format. Normally, you should convert JPG images to EPS or TIF format before using any image processing software or before sending it to a prepress or printing department.
Altering the image size by +/-30% will not compromise image quality. More substantial size changes should be made using an image processing program or by downloading a more suitably sized version from the image bank.
CMYK images have been optimized for use in 54-60 LPI print work on normal coated paper. When using other LPI values or special papers, the images must be processed to suit the requirements of the print work. Normally, this processing will be handled by the repro or printing house you are using; for best outcomes, inform your vendor when planning the project. The desired colour separation should be done using the RGB image.
Clipped images - using clipping paths
A clipping path is a line prepared around the target image allowing the selection to be imposed on a background image or colour. We have prepared clipping paths for those images that, in our opinion, lend themselves for clipped image use.
Active clipping paths have been saved in images where the background is completely white or of uniform colour. Such images will be automatically shown as clipped in layout programs. In addition, there are many images in the image bank (natural background, shadows, etc.) where the clipping path has already been prepared, but has not yet been activated. To activate the clipping path, open the file in Photoshop, select the subject path from the "Paths" menu and define it as the "Clipping Path". When you save the image, the clipping path is saved with it.
Clipped images in can be found under the category "Clipped images" or using the word "clipped" in a search
Masked images and JPEG2000
Masks can also be used to isolate a portion of an image from the rest of a photo, especially if the edges are not well defined or are very complicated (as is the model’s hair on our example). Masked images are delivered as JPEG2000 files, and the mask is stored as a separate alpha channel. JPEG2000 images can be opened and edited in Photoshop by installing the appropriate plug-in (found on the PS installation disks).
Example of masking:
…and clipped and masked examples side by side:
Mask in Alpha channel